How To Know If A Claim Is Being Underpaid?


Insurance claims are crucial for managing healthcare expenses but can also be a burden if not fully paid. Underpaid claims are a common issue, and knowing how to know if a claim is underpaid. Med Revolve Billing offers a clear guide to assist you in identifying underpaid claims, ensuring you receive your entitled full benefits.

What are Underpaid Claims?

Underpaid claims happen when insurance companies pay less than what healthcare providers bill for services. This can happen due to mistakes in processing or disagreements on pricing. It can be a bother for patients who may have to pay more out-of-pocket. Healthcare providers may also lose money. Resolving underpaid claims ensures fair payment for services provided.

The Impact of Underpaid Claims

Underpaid claims can have significant results for both patients and healthcare providers. If insurance fails to cover a claim, patients may face financial hardship paying the balance. If healthcare providers do not receive full reimbursement for the services they provide, they may experience financial pressure.

Legal Rights and Protections

Patients have certain rights and protections under the law when it comes to underpayment of claims. These rights may vary depending on the type of insurance coverage and the state in which you reside. It is very important to familiarize yourself with these rights so that you can take proper action if you believe your claim has been underpaid.

Med Revolve Billing Excels in Managing Underpaid Claims With Skill and Expertise

1. Review Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB):

Check the EOB you receive from your insurance company after a claim is processed. Look for differences between the billed amount, the allowed amount and what was actually paid. Pay close attention to any services that were denied or paid at a lower rate than expected.

2. Compare with the Contracted Rates:

Verify that the insurance company has paid according to the contracted rates with your healthcare provider. If the payment is lower than the agreed-upon rate, it could indicate underpayment. Request a copy of your provider’s fee schedule to compare the rates.

3. Check for Coding Errors:

Make sure that the medical codes used on your claim are accurate. Incorrect coding can lead to underpayment or denial of the claim. Review the codes listed on your EOB and compare them to your medical records.

4. Monitor Payment Timelines:

Insurance companies are typically required to process claims within a certain timeframe. Delays in payment may indicate underpayment issues. Keep track of the dates when claims were submitted and when payments were received.

How To Know If A Claim Is Underpaid?

5. Consult with Your Healthcare Provider:

If you suspect underpayment, discuss the issue with your healthcare provider. They can help review the claim and identify any discrepancies. Your provider may also be able to provide additional documentation to support your claim.

6. Appeal the Decision:

If you believe your claim has been underpaid, you have the right to appeal the decision. Provide any additional information or documentation that supports your case. The appeal process may vary depending on your insurance company, so be sure to follow their specific guidelines.

7. Negotiate with the Insurance Company:

Sometimes, a simple negotiation can resolve the underpayment issue. Provide evidence to support your claim, such as medical records or a provider’s fee schedule and request a review of the payment. Be ready to explain why you believe the payment was incorrect and provide any relevant documentation.

8. Seek Assistance:

If you’re having trouble resolving the issue on your own, consider seeking help from a professional, such as a healthcare advocate or legal adviser who can advocate on your behalf. They can help you navigate the appeals process and make sure that your claim is properly reviewed.

Communicate With The Insurance Company

Simple communication can resolve the underpayment issue. To communicate with the insurance company, follow these tips:

Prepare Your Case:  Gather evidence to support your claim, such as provider invoices, medical records and a copy of your policy.

Contact the Insurance Company:  Call the insurance company’s customer service department and explain the situation. Be polite but firm in your request for a review of the payment.

Submit a Written Request:  If necessary, follow up your phone call with a written request for a review of the payment. Include copies of any supporting documentation.

Be Determined:  If your early request is denied, don’t give up. Continue to escalate your case within the insurance company until you reach a resolution.

How to Monitor and Track Your Claims

Monitoring and tracking your insurance claims is important to make sure that the process is  correct and that you receive the proper compensation. Here are some steps you can take to effectively monitor and track your claims: 

Keep Copies of All Documentation:  Maintain copies of all paperwork related to your claims, including bills, receipts, and written communication with your insurance company.

Understand Your Coverage: Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy to understand what services are covered and what your financial responsibilities are.

Check Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB):  Review the EOB you receive from your insurance company after the process of claim. Verify that the services listed are accurate and that you were charged the correct amount.

Follow Up Regularly:  Keep track of the status of your claims and follow up with your healthcare provider and insurance company if there are any delays or issues.

Use Online Portals:  Many insurance companies offer online portals where you can track the status of your claims. Register for these portals and regularly check for updates on your claims

Keep a Claim Log:  Create a log to track each claim, including the date of service, the provider, the amount billed and the status of the claim. Use this log to identify any trends or rehappen issues with your claims.

Contact Customer Service:  If you have questions or concerns about your claims, don’t hesitate to contact your insurance company’s customer service department. Ready to provide them with your policy information and any relevant documentation.

Appeal if Necessary:  If a claim is denied or underpaid, you have the right to appeal the decision. Follow the appeals process outlined by your insurance company and provide any additional information or documentation to support your case.


It is very important to know if a claim is being underpaid. Monitoring and tracking your claims, reviewing your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and talking to your healthcare provider can help. You can also appeal the decision, negotiate with the insurance company, and seek assistance if needed. Med Revolve Billing is here to help you understand and resolve underpaid claims.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens if You Owe Insurance Company Money?

If you owe an insurance company money, they may take steps to collect the debt, which could include sending you bills, employing collection agencies, or deducting the amount from future claim payments.

Can I Keep Extra Money from an Insurance Claim?

No, you cannot keep extra money from an insurance claim. Any excess amount must be returned to the insurance company or used as directed, as keeping it could be considered fraud.

Can I Keep the Money from an Insurance Claim?

You must use the money from an insurance claim as intended. Keeping money that is not rightfully yours or using it for purposes other than intended could be considered insurance fraud.

Can You Sue for Being Underpaid?

Yes, you can sue for being underpaid by an insurance company if you believe they have not fulfilled their contractual obligations. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand your rights and options.

What if Insurance Doesn't Pay Enough?

If insurance doesn’t pay enough, review your policy and the claim details. Contact the insurance company to discuss the shortfall and provide any additional documentation. If necessary, consider appealing the decision or seeking legal advice.

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